

  • Ukufakwa kwe-biochemistry incubator ye-Biochemistry Incubator ye-BOL COLDED ENcundided Intubator I-Intublited Incebator isebenzisa: Faka isicelo eMnyangweni Wezokukhiqiza Wezemvelo Wokulawulwa Kwezemvelo, Ukuhlolwa Kwemithi Yezokuphepha, Imfuyo, i-Aquaculure nezinye izikhungo zokucwaninga. Kuyinto enikezelwe i-thermostatic secator kanye nokuzimisela kwe-bod, amagciwane, isikhunta, ukutshala ama-microorganisms, ukongiwa, ukutshala izitshalo, ukuhlolwa kwezitshalo. Izici: 1. Igobolondo lenziwa ngokufanelekile ...
  • I-Class 100 Lab Desktop Clean Bench / Ikhabethe
  • I-Product Depection Laborary Air Clean Bench kanye nekhabethe le-biosafety kanye nebhentshi elihlanzekile le-hood lisetshenziswa kabanzi ekuqaphekeni kwamakhemisi, nge-biochemical, nokuqapha imvelo, kanye nezimboni ze-elekthronikhi, kanye neminye indawo yokusebenza endawo. Izici: ▲ Ukugeleza komoya okuqondile ▲ Igobolondo lenziwa ngeplate eliphakeme lensimbi, elinobuso be-electrostatic, ukubukeka okukhangayo.
  • I-Laboratory 1200 C Uhlobo lwe-Muffided Muffle Fufle

    I-Laboratory 1200 C Uhlobo lwe-Muffided Muffle Fufle

    Imikhiqizo ye-Laboratory 1200 c Uhlobo lwe-Muffited Muffle Fuflerace sintering,dissolution, analysisetc. 二、Product Features●Uniquedoor design, making operat...
  • Ukuchazwa Komkhiqizo 150 * 125 Jaw Crusher Singakwazi ukwenza ngokwezifiso imihlathi ye-crarr ngokuya ngezidingo zomsebenzisi. This Laboratory Jaw Crusher is designed for fast and effective pre-crushing of very hard, hard, medium-hard, and brittle materials, even ferrous alloys. Laboratory Jaw Crushers are designed for economic size reduction of typical aggregates and common minerals at an output scaled for laboratory testing. Adjustable jaw openings allow close control of output size. High operating ...
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