- Laboratory Separator funnel vertical oscillator High Quality 1. Background technology The separation funnel vertical oscillator is a kind of liquid-liquid extraction device used in chemical laboratory. Okwamanje. In domestic laboratories, the liquid-liquefaction chemical extraction is commonly used in oscillating extraction or hand-shaking extraction with liquid separation funnel. Lezi zindlela ezimbili zinobuningi, ukusebenza kahle kokukhishwa kuphansi, ukuqina kwabasebenzi nge-ALS ...
Amazinga okushisa aphezulu we-muffle degree 1600 degree
High Temperature Laboratory Muffle Oven 1600 Degree Uses:Box-type resistance furnace designed for chemical element analysis, and small pieces of steel hardening, annealing, tempering, and other high temperature heat treatment in laboratories of industrial and mining enterprises, universities, research institutes; Ingahle futhi isetshenziselwe isono sensimbi, itshe, ubumba, ukuhlaziywa kokuchithwa kokushisa okushisa okuphezulu. Izici: 1. Idizayini eyingqayizivele yomnyango, ephephile futhi elula umnyango ... -
- laboratory constant temperature and humidity box incubator Constant Temperature and Humidity Box Incubator: A Key Tool for Precise Environmental Control in Research and Industry Introduction In various fields of research and industry, maintaining precise environmental conditions is crucial for the success of experiments and processes. Ithuluzi elilodwa elibalulekile lokufeza leli zinga lokulawula izinga lokushisa elihlala njalo kanye nomswakama ibhokisi lokufakwa ngaphakathi. Le mishini ekhethekile inikeza ukugwazwa ...