
  • Product Description Concrete Block Compressive Strength Testing Machine Product introduction SYE-2000D electro-hydraulic pressure testing machine is driven by hydraulic power source, and adopts intelligent measurement and control instrument to collect and process test data. Kuqukethe umgcini wokuhlola, umthombo wamafutha (umthombo wamandla we-hydraulic), ukulinganisa kanye nohlelo lokulawula, nemishini yokuhlola. , amandla okuhlola aphezulu ngu-2000kn, kanye nezinga lokunemba lomshini wokuhlola kungcono th ...
  • Imishini Yomkhiqizo I-othomathikhi yokungcola ekhonkolo ye-othomathikhi yomsebenzisi we-elekthronikhi ngochungechunge olujwayelekile noma oluzenzakalelayo lweChatise Confiden Consoplong Machine Izinketho zokulawulwa kokusebenza, ukuqoqwa kwedatha, nokusatshalaliswa. Choose a load frame capacity best suited for your testing needs. Umshini wokuhlola wokuhlola we-Sye-300 we-electro-300 hydraulic uqhutshwa umthombo wamandla we-hydraulic futhi usebenzisa ukukalwa okuhlakaniphile nezinsimbi zokulawula ukuqoqa kanye nokucubungula idatha yokuhlola. It consis...
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