
  • Cement Cube Mold Concrete Test Mold 100mm150mm Our company has more than 30 years of history, is a scientific research, manufacturing, management in one, to produce and sell highway, construction instruments and bridge instrumentation based professional company. Our company produces a variety of engineering plastic mold, users use excellent results, so enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad, favored by users. Imikhiqizo yenkampani ikhishwe kuzo zonke izifundazwe, amadolobha ...
  • Product Description SZB-9 type automatic specific surface area measuring instrument According to the requirements of the new standard CBT8074-2008, the company and the National Building Materials Research Institute of Cement and New Materials Institute of Equipment and Equipment Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center developed a new SZB-9 type cement specific surface area automatic measuring instrument. I-Conment Consec Air Perfeneatus ye-Consen Confeneatus isebenzisa inzuzo ...
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