I-200 2000kn othomathikhi yensimbi rebar Universal Tiver Universal Tensile Tensile Testing Machine
Incazelo Yomkhiqizo Sicule umshini wokuhlola umhlaba jikelele 0.7m isikhala, imishini m ... -
- 1000KN Universal Testing Machine Computer Control Hydraulic Tensile Testing Machine The hydraulic power source is used to drive the test, and the intelligent measurement and control instrument is used to collect and process the test data, which is composed of the test host, the oil source (hydraulic power source), the measurement and control system, and the test apparatus.This testing machine can do tensile, compression, bending, shearing and other types of tests on different Izinto zokwakha ...
Umshini wokuhlola ukhonkolo we-2000kn 3000kn 3000nkn
Umshini wokuhlola amakhonkco wokuhlola amakhonkco we-2000kn 3000kn 3000nkn Umshini wamukela i-Hydraulic Power Source Drayivu, i-Electro-Hydraulic Servo Control Technology, ukutholwa kwedatha yekhompyutha nokucutshungulwa, nokubala amandla acindezelayo ukukhiqiza imibiko. It is composed of test host, oil source (hydraulic power source), measurement and control system and test apparatus. Kuya ... -
Umshini we-2000NS ConcRete Prescrete wokuhlolwa kwelebhu
Umshini wokuhlola wokuhlola wedijithali we-2000kn Lectro The testing machine conforms to the national standard “ordinary concrete mechanical properties test method standard” should manually control the loading speed, and has loading speed display, peak maintenance, overload protection funct...